Booyah! We're all (my friends I mean) graduating this July! It's cliche, but it really does feel like just yesterday when I was a little fresher at the LSE.
Anyway, my graduation trip was to the USA - in particular New York (yes, again) and Miami. Just because I took quite a number of pictures, I'll be splitting up my posts into 3 parts.
At the airport
So we arrived into New York in good time. We rested for a while, then went out at night to watch Chicago. I've actually already watched this musical back in London, but since Tiff hasn't, and our host already bought the tickets for us, I went to watch it again. What's the harm? Especially since I'd then be able to compare Broadway Musicals with West End Musicals.
And if you ask me, West End Musicals win hands down. The actors in Chicago were pretty good, don't get me wrong, but it's the articulation of their words, the expressiveness, and the portrayal of the characters that do not shine through in the Broadway ones. They slur through their lines, songs come out slurred as well, and they do not give proper effect to body language and to expressing emotions. They were like robots, almost. So we gave up halfway and went home (I was feeling really sick from the plane ride anyway).
The very next day we took a road trip to upstate New York. Our first destination was Lake George. But before we went to visit the lake, we went to check out Wal-Mart.
Let me just tell you that we bought so much stuff (food) from there, that it wasn't even funny. Lol.
We then made our way to the lake area. It was really pretty, I must say. But to be honest, my attention was captured by all the biker dudes that were there. It just so happens that there was a Harley Davidson convention going on.
All I can say is, check out the bikes man!
And the biker dudes |
After that, we headed out to look for dinner. We went to this very nice French restaurant in the area called Le Roux. We kinda got lost while looking for it, and in the process, stumbled across a little farm that had Llamas (random right??) and goats in a pen. We took pictures of that and drove on to find our restaurant.
EVERYTHING we ate and drank were really good! |
The very next day, we drove on to Catskill Mountain. The very there was fantastic. We couldn't do much over there because we weren't equipped for hiking. Apparently, to see the really good sights, we have to go trekking into the mountain.
Prettyyyyy |
And then we made out way back to the City.
For the next few days we just walked around the city. There were a few times when we split up- this was because Tiff hasn't been to NYC before (and I have), and we both wanted to see different things. But these are some of the things that we did look at:
Washington Square. Random Pianist in the middle of the park |
Occupy Wall Street |
Wall Street |
9/11 Memorial |
Brooklyn Heights |
There were a lot of things that we went to see and do. We went to Macy's, had coffee at Greenwich Village, went to Union Square a lot, walked around SoHo and etc. But what I do recommend, in this half of the trip, would be to go to go to the 9/11 memorial. It is worth going to both the museum and to the memorial itself. Very powerful place to be in. What really hit me while I was in the museum was the display of an airplane ticket from the doomed plane...
As for restaurants, I'd truly recommend this place that Jamie brought us to (it was nice meeting up with that kid again).
Gyu-kaku |
The barbecued meat there is really good. That, and the salads (the Avocado one!). It may sound gross, but try the cow's tongue when you order meats to barbecue. It's really quite delicious.
And in Brooklyn, PETER LUGERS. I'd warn you, you'd love this place to bits. The steak practically MELTS in your mouth! Holy. Oh, and the bread and flavoured butter there is to DIE FOR. I know they are just starters, but honestly, Tiff and I could eat just the bread and butter for our meal itself.
The bread |
The steak. LOOK AT THAT. |
The only problem though, with Peter Lugers, is that you'd probably have to make a reservation beforehand. If not, there's no way that you'd be able to get into this place for dinner (or lunch, for that matter).
For a quick fix, who can deny the loveliness of SHAKE SHACK! oh man. I'm hungry just recollecting those moments where I bite into my burger... and having those (damn) fantastic milkshakes.
Not forgetting Serendipity 3 (yep, that place out of the movie, Serendipity) for dessert. I could die for these. I think this is what heaven's desserts would taste like.
Pecan Pie Sundae! |
Frozen hot chocolate |
Yum. I'm salivating already... But in any case, Part 2 will be about Miami!