it was because.. all we wanted to do was eat and drink.
Not terribly exciting, but we just wanted to relax. And so, relax we did. And we did so by doing two things:
i) We went to Cais Da Ribeira.
It's a nice place to chill out at. And well, it's a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so I do suppose it counts for something. The only problem was that it started raining, so we went off to the other side of the river, to where all the port wine houses were.

ii) Taylor's Port Wine House
The rain was pouring outside, while we stayed indoors sipping on fantastic port wine for free.
Port Wine... for free?
Yes. Free. Take the tour. The guide will explain lots of things about the History and all that, but... at the end of it you do get free white and red ports! There were many glasses leftover.
We helped ourselves.
That very night, we followed a guide from our hostel to watch a Fado performance. It's Portuguese music, played with a Portuguese guitar and a Spanish guitar, and a singer. The songs are all deeply emotional. A very moving sort of thing. Apparently the good ones are in the little unknown, old Portuguese bars - like the one we went to. That was really good.
The next day we spent walking at the Foz district. We ate roasted chestnuts, walked, and chatted some more. We went to the Casa Da Musica. Architectural wonder? Well, I suppose. Didn't look all that fantastic to me. We were more amazed by how the price of a cup of coffee and a muffin in the cafe was only 2 Euros. Damn. That'll cost me a bloody £6 in London.
And that's it for Porto. Next stop: Lisbon.